Products & Services
Various software products from on-line data acquisition at the rig site to office the data processing systems are covering wide range of the mud logging needs. We believe that the software installed to PetroServices mud logging unit is an essential part of the services we provide to our clients.
PetroServices Data Communication Center (DCC)
DCC WITSML data solutions provide an all inclusive solution for real-time data delivery needs. Examples for the type of data that can be simultaneously managed and displayed include drilling sensor information, mud logging data and measurement while drilling (MWD/LWD) data in real-time directly from the various service provider acquisition systems at the well site. These data can then be merged by the system to produce logs on a time or depth based index.
The system can accept streaming WITS, WITSML, and other binary format information, and also access standard or custom databases directly, in order to convert that data to the WITSML standard and then deliver it to the secure network servers worldwide which are the components of the WITSML data extranet.
WITSML Support:
DCC uses WITSML protocol to transmit data. WITSML is for Wellsite Information Transfer Standard Markup Language. It’s the new standard protocol for exchanging drilling parameters and settings developed and maintained by Energistics organization.
WITSML is based on web standards HTTP, HTTPS, XML, SOAP protocols.
The purpose of WITSML is to ensure seamless and reliable flow of drilling and completion data to help decision makers with realtime and historical information.
DCC Web Viewer:
DCC WebViewer is an innovative web-based solution to monitor drilling information in realtime, as well as displaying historical data. No need to install complicated software with long procedures for licensing and registration in order to view your data, no need to stay in office. Only login to our website from anywhere and from any device, enter your username and password and immediately access your data. DCC WebViewer uses the new HTML5 technology to display it’s contents and draw drilling curves, Unlike most of similar products, DCC WebViewer doesn’t need any plug-ins like Flash, Silverlight, or Java applets to work. Only an HTML5 enabled web browser.
Scroll through all the wells:
Using the history scroll function, all the graphs can display information from the past days only by scrolling up and down. There is no limit for scrolling, as all the data is stored on the server. The web page retrieves the data and display it immediately. You can scroll to previous days or previous depths using the scroll function.
Thanks to the highly optimized PetroServices DCC WITSML Server, the system is able to handle multiple number of wells in the same time. All the wells can be monitored in the same time, and also in the same screen. In the DCC Web Viewer, you can monitor each well in one browser tab. In Desktop Viewer, you can arrange each well side by side.
No need to close connection and switch to another. All the wells are displayed for you in the same time.
DCC Ultimate Viewer
Experience maximum flexibility and simplicity while using DCC Ultimate Viewer desktop version. High customizable WYSIWYG style editor to draw your view screen, scroll through all the well, monitor all the wells simultaneously, print on spot the graph on screen with a single click.
All the time connected to witsml server , one application , all the data in your hands.
1024 bit SSL/TLS encryption:
Our client data is precious. PetroServices DCC uses HTTPS (HTTP over encrypted socket) to send data from rigs and to provide data to the end user viewers. SSL/TLS is the encryption protocol that is used by all banking and highly secured service.
All the data is encrypted across the internet. With the use of 1024 bit encryption keys and the latest encryption protocols and standards (TLS 1.1, 1.2). PetroServices Password verification system only accepts highly secured passwords. All our systems are periodically updated and maintained.
Drilling Technology Control Integrated System - DTCIS

On-line data acquisition and processing, database recording, drilling parameters control, precise calculations makes real time well monitoring easier and more effective than ever before. The main features of the on-line software package are:
- Drilling status definition.
- Hydraulic, PVT, bit, formation evaluation and other calculations.
- On-line hydrocarbon chromatographic gas analysis system.
- Variety of the screen patterns, where every important parameter can be included to monitor.
- Dxc, swab, surge and hydraulic calculation.
- Data history play back.
- Drilling, tripping, casing monitors.

DTCIS is the real time intelligence system of data acquisition, data processing and data managing, distributed in a local network. DTCIS configuration:
- The main computer plays the role of on-line data acquisition and data storing server.
- The computer for data processing , reports and logs building and printing.
- Additional remote workstations for company man & well site geologist.

- Rig monitor located at the driller working place.
- The central server computer provides the following functions of system operation.
- Connection of up to 100 sensors.
- Data collection from peripheral sensors and immediate saving to the computer storage for news processing.
- Sensors calibration, including sensors with nonlinear responses, and a mathematical filtration of the noise.
- Data exchange with different types of chromatographs, calibration and processing of the chromatogram.
- Main technological parameters.
- A control of mud gain/loss.
- Parameters of deviation for the current bit depth.
- Hydrodynamic calculations in the well.
- Real-time control of the gas in the hole and surface equipment.
- Real-time control of the cuttings in the hole.
- Real-time binding of the parameters to the lag depth.
- Real-time D-exponent and SigmaLog calculations.
- Calculation of the technological operations and modes duration.
- Parameters summary and statistics for each bit run.
- Parameters calculations for different technological modes: drilling, tripping, casing, kick control etc.
- Saving parameters to a Data base of mud logging unit server.
- Providing the remote clients by real-time data.
- Periodic auto save of the data to avoid data loss in case of power supply fault.
- The log of system operations and operators control.
The DTCIS software can be integrated to wide range of the hardware data acquisition systems, signal conditioners, analogue digital converters by our specialists after conducting detailed technical analysis of the interface of interconnection of the client equipment.
The remote workstations are provided with the specialized software and the equipment of on-line review of the data. The remote client workstation can be equipped with video/sound conference facilities providing on-line visual communication between workstations in the local net.
The software has no limitations for connected workstations of real – time data monitoring. The monitoring forms and screens are formed by specialists of our company depending on the customer request.
Data Processing Interpretation Center - DPIC

We pay much attention to database storing, data integration and interpretation, reports producing and up to scale fine logs printouts. That is provided by means of software kit, which allows the preparation of the data in a modern style according to the requests of the Customer as follows:
- Database editing.
- Flexible graphic and numeric screen and print forms design.
- Wire-line and mud logging data integration and correlation.
- Continuous colored print logs using numeric and graphic forms on normal or transparent media.
- Data re-processing and reports building.
- Lithology interpretation and lithology percentage managing.
- Stratigraphic and formation representation.
- Geologic, operation, fossils, text and/or other special signs comments.
- Supporting a variety of data storing formats and import/export conversions.
- Final well report produced up to the Customer request.
Pressure Evaluation - P-eval

The evaluation of formation pressure by PetroServices P-eval software is an integral part of the well planning and formation evaluation process.P-eval provides a successful estimation and calculation for:
- Pore pressure evaluation.
- D-exponent calculation.
- Sigma log calculation.
- Overburden pressure.
- Fracture pressure.
- Kick tolerance.
Data Scan Communication - DSC
By using modem and data transmission possibilities; the database, the screens and/or printouts that you choose can be produced at any company location any where in the world. The database can be transmitted in real time or in replay modem via telephone, radio or satellite provided that the link is suitable (necessary line quality…etc). This gives facility to the client's main database system to be in connection with the well site unit data information system. The data transmitted can be displayed or printed out using different forms or screens format.
The network
The way of communication between the software components is built on the DCOM technology and leaves no chance for data loss or misinterpretation that is why it is open for import/export procedures of other data storing formats.
Geologist Workstation
The combination of the hardware equipment and software tools makes the geologist workplace affective and easy to use environment to fulfill complete geological service including:
- Total gas detecting system.
- PH meter data interpretation.
- Auto calcimeter data processing .
The software policy
We, at PetroServices GmbH company, consider that our services is not complete until we fulfill all the customer requirements, since our flexible software products allows us to meet every reasonable request from the client.
Early Kick Detection System (EKD)
PetroServices researches supported by many petroleum companies have shown that (EKD) Early Kick Detection system offers cost reduction benefits in exploration and production from high pressure and high temperature formations. Early kick detection system can be used as a standalone system or integrated with the mud logging service. The hardware part of the system configuration uses three flow meters to measure delta flow; one on the flow out line, another on the standpipe flow in line, and the third on the flow line from the trip tank to annulus. PetroServices early kick detection system is designed so that a variety of different flow sensor technologies can be used, including (electromagnetic flow meters, mass flow meters and doppler sensors). Signals from the three flow meters are fed to a high speed computer system for real time processing using dedicated software which models the dynamics of the mud in the hole. Early kick detection systems have the capability to reliably detect less than one bbl of formation fluid influx for high pressure high temperature wells in order to minimize well control safety risk and maximize possible well operations/design cost benefits.